Most of the publications are available on arXiv or on request.
Book chapters
- M.Ribatet, C.Dombry, M.Oesting, Spatial Extremes and Max-Stable
Processes. Extreme Value Modeling and Risk Analysis : Methods and
Applications. Taylor & Francis. 2016.
- M.Oesting, M.Ribatet, C.Dombry, Simulation of Max-Stable
Processes. Extreme Value Modeling and Risk Analysis : Methods and
Applications. Taylor & Francis. 2016.
- C.Dombry, M.Oesting, M.Ribatet, Conditional Simulation of
Max-Stable Processes. Extreme Value Modeling and Risk Analysis :
Methods and Applications. Taylor & Francis. 2016.
Publications in peer-reviewed international journals
- C.Dombry, A probabilistic model for DNA denaturation. Journal of Statistical Physics 120 (2005), 695-719.
- C.Dombry, N.Guillotin-Plantard, B.Pinçon et R.Schott, Data
structures with dynamical random transitions. Random Structures and
Algorithms 28 (2006), 403-426.
- C.Dombry, A weighted random walk model - Application to a genetic algorithm. Advances in Applied Probability 39 (2007), 550-568.
- J.-C. Breton, C.Dombry, Rescaled weighted random balls models and
stable self-similar random fields. Stochastic Process. Appl. 119
(2009), 3633-3652.
- C.Dombry, N.Guillotin-Plantard, A functionnal approach for random
walks in random sceneries. Electronic Journal of Probability 14 (2009),
- S.Cohen, C.Dombry, Convergence of dependent walks in a random
scenery to fBm-local time fractionnal stable motions. J. Math. Kyoto
Univ. 49 (2009), 267-286.
- C.Dombry, N.Guillotin-Plantard, Discrete approximation of a
stable selfsimilar stationary increments process. Bernoulli 15 (2009),
- C.Dombry, N.Guillotin-Plantard, The Curie-Weiss model with
quasiperiodic external random field. Markov Processes and Related
Fields 15 (2009), 1-30.
- C.Dombry, C.Mazza, Some remarks on Betti numbers of random polygon spaces. Random Structures and Algorithms 37 (2010), 67-84.
- C.Dombry, I.Kaj, The on-off network traffic model under intermediate scaling. Queueing Systems 69 (2011), 29-44.
- J.-C.Breton, C.Dombry, Functional macroscopic behavior of
weighted random ball model. ALEA Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat. 8
(2011), 177-196.
- C.Dombry, C.Mazza, V.Bansaye, Phenotypic diversity and population
growth in a fluctuating environment. Advances in Applied Probability 43
(2011), 375-398.
- Y.Davydov, C.Dombry, Asymptotic behavior of the convex hull of a
stationary gaussian process. Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 52 (2012),
- C.Dombry, F.Eyi-Minko, Strong mixing properties of max-infinitely
divisible random fields. Stochastic Processes and their Applications
122 (2012), 3790-3811.
- M.Arnaudon, C.Dombry, Y.Le, A.Phan, Stochastic algorithms for
computing means of probability measures. Stochastic Processes and their
Applications 122 (2012), 1437-1455
- Y.Davydov, C.Dombry, On the convergence of LePage series in
Skorohod space. Statistics and Probability Letters 82 (2012), 145-150.
- C.Dombry, Extremal shot noises, heavy tails and max-stable random fields. Extremes 15 (2012), 129-158.
- C. Dombry, I. Kaj, Moment measures of heavy-tailed renewal point
processes : asymptotics and applications. ESAIM Probab. Stat. 17
(2013), 567-591.
- C. Dombry, F. Eyi-Minko, M. Ribatet, Conditional simulations of Brown-Resnick processes. Biometrika 100 (2013), 111-124.
- C.Dombry, F.Eyi-Minko, Regular conditional distributions of max
infinitely divisible processes. Electronic Journal of Probability 18
(2013), 1-21.
- Y.Davydov, C.Dombry, Convex hulls of regularly varying processes. Journal of Mathematical Sciences 199 (2014), 150-161.
- C. Dombry, P. Jung, A Lindeberg-Feller theorem for stable laws.Statistics and Probability Letters 84 (2014), 198-203.
- C. Dombry, F. Eyi-Minko, Stationary max-stable processes with the
Markov property. Stochastic Processes and their Applications 124
(2014), 2266-2279.
- C. Dombry, Existence and consistency of the maximum likelihood
estimators for the extreme value index within the block maxima
framework. Bernoulli 21 (2015), 420-436.
- C. Dombry, M. Ribatet, Functional regular variations, Pareto
processes and peaks over threshold. Statistics and its Interface 8
(2015), 9-17.
- C.Dombry, S.Engelke, M.Oesting, Exact simulation of max-stable processes. Biometrika 103 (2016), 303-317.
- C.Dombry, F.Eyi-Minko, Extremes of independent stochastic
processes : a point process approach. Extremes 19 (2016), 197-218.
- C.Dombry, Z.Kabluchko, Non singular flow representation and cone
decompositions for stationary max-stable processes. Stochastic
Processes and their Applications 127 (2017), 1763-1784.
- C.Dombry, S.Engelke, M.Oesting, Bayesian inference for
multivariate extreme value distributions. Electronic Journal of
Statistics 11 (2017), 4813-4844.
- C.Dombry, L.Rabehasaina, High order expansions for renewal
functions and applications to ruin probabilities. Annals of Applied
Probability 27 (2017), 2342-2382.
- C.Dombry, Z.Kabluchko, Random tessellations associated with max-stable random fields. Bernoulli 24 (2018), 30-52.
- C.Dombry, M.Ribatet, S.Stoev, Probabilities of concurrent
extremes. Journal of the American Statistical Association 113 (2018),
- C.Dombry, M.Zott, Multivariate records and hitting scenarios. Extremes 2 (2018), 343-361.
- C.Dombry,
E.Hashorva, P.Soulier. Tail measure and tail spectral process of
regularly varying time series. Annals of Applied Probability 28 (2018), 3884-3921.
- C.Dombry, M.Falk, M.Zott, On functional records and champions.Journal of Theoretical Probability 32 (2019), 1252-1277.
- C.Dombry, A.Ferreira, Maximum likelihood estimators based on the block maxima method. Bernoulli 25 (2019), 1690-1723.
- E.Koch, C.Dombry, C.Y.Robert, A central limit theorem for functions of
stationary max-stable random fields on R^d. Stochastic Processes and their Applications 129 (2019), 3406-3430.
- R.Huser, C.Dombry, M.Genton, M.Ribatet, Full likelihood inference for multivariate max-stable distributions. Stat 8 (2019).
- S.Chrétien, C.Dombry, A.Faivre, A Semi-Definite Programming
approach to low dimensional embedding for unsupervised clustering. Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics 5 (2019).
- O.Ho,
C.Dombry, Simple models for multivariate regular variations and the
Hüsler-Reiss Pareto distribution. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 173 (2019), 525-550.
- A.Mefleh, R.Biard, C.Dombry, Z.Khraibani, Trend detection for heteroscedastic extremes. Extremes 23 (2020), 85-115. doi
- A.Mefleh, R.Biard, C.Dombry, Z.Khraibani, Permutation bootstrap in the block maxima method. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 50 (2021), 291-311. doi
- B.Bobbia, C.Dombry, D.Varron . Extreme quantile
regression in the proportional tail framework. Georgian Mathematical
Journal 175 (2021). doi
- C.Spychala, J.Armand, C.Dombry, C.Goga. Multivariate Statistical
Analysis for Exploring Road Crash Related Factors in the Franche-Comté
region of France.
Communications in Statistics - Case Studies and Data Analysis 7 (2021), 442 - 474. doi
- B.Bobbia, C.Dombry, D.Varron. The coupling method in extreme value theory. Bernoulli 27 (2021), 1824-1850. doi
- C.Dombry,
C.Tillier, O.Wintenberger, Hidden regular variation for point processes
and the single/multiple large point heuristic. Annals of Applied Probability 32 (2022), 191-234. doi
- J.Velthoen, C.Dombry, J.J.Cai, S.Engelke. Gradient boosting for extreme quantile regression. Extremes 26 (2023), 639-667. doi
- R.Pic, C.Dombry, P.Naveau, R.Taillardat. Distributional regression and its evaluation with the CRPS: Bounds and convergence of the minimax risk. International Journal of Forecasting 39 (2023), 1564-1572. doi
- Z. Al Masry, R. Pic, C. Dombry, C. Devalland. A new methodology to
predict the oncotype scores based on clinico-pathological data with
similar tumor profiles. Breast Cancer Res Treat 3 (2024), 587-598. doi
- C.Dombry, Y.Esstafa, The vanishing learning rate asymptotic for linear L2-boosting. ESAIM:PS 28, 228-257, 2024. doi
- C.Dombry, J.-J. Duchamps, Infinitesimal Gradient Boosting. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications 170, 2024. doi
- C.Dombry, J.-J. Duchamps, A large sample theory for infinitesimal gradient boosting. Bernoulli 20 (2024), 1894-1920. doi
- C.Spychala, C.Dombry,
C.Goga. Variable selection methods for Log-Gaussian Cox Processes: a
case-study on accident data. Spatial Statistics 61, 2024. doi
- C. Dombry, T. Modeste, R. Pic. Stone's theorem for
distributional regression in Wasserstein distance. Journal of Non
Parametric Statistics (2024), 1-23. doi
- T. Modeste, C. Dombry. Characterization of translation
invariant MMD on R^d and connections with Wasserstein distances. Journal of Machine Learning Research 25 (2024), 1-39. link
- C. Dombry, A. Zaoui. Distributional regression: CRPS-error
bounds for model fitting, model selection and model aggregation. Neurips 2024. arxiv:2411.13974
- R. Pic, C. Dombry, P. Naveau, M. Taillardat. Proper scoring
rules for multivariate probabilistic forecasts based on aggregation and
transformation. Under minor revision for ASCMO - Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography (2025). arxiv:2407.00650
- R. Pic, C. Dombry, P. Naveau, M. Taillardat. Distributional regression U-Nets for the postprocessing of
precipitation ensemble forecasts. Under minor revision for AIES - Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems (2025). arxiv:2407.02125
Conference proceedings
- A.Anagnostopoulos, C.Dombry, N.Guillotin-Plantard, I.Kontoyiannis,
E.Upfal, Stochastic analysis of the k-server problem on the circle, In
21st International Meeting on Probabilistic, Combinatorial, and
Asymptotic Methods in the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA’10), Discrete
Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. Proc., AM, pages 21-34. Assoc. Discrete Math.
Theor. Comput. Sci., Nancy, 2010.
- B. Bobbia, C. Dombry, D. Varron. A Donsker and Glivenko-Cantelli for random measures linked to extreme value theory. hal-03402380
- T. Modeste, C. Dombry. A.L. Fougeres. Modeling and scoring dynamic forecast. hal-04056397
- T. Modeste, C. Dombry. A.L. Fougeres. Testing ideal calibration for sequential prediction. hal-04679804
- C. Dombry, J. Legrand, T. Opitz. Pareto processes for spatial exceedances in spatial extremes. hal-04636190
- C. Dombry, S. Padoan, S. Rizzelli. Asymptotic theory for Bayesian
inference and prediction: from the ordinary to a conditional
Peaks-Over-Threshold method. arxiv:2310.06720
- M. Mayala, O. Wintenberger, C. Tillier, C. Dombry. Infinite random forests for imbalanced classification tasks. arxiv:2408.01777
- C. Dombry, A. Zaoui. Distributional regression with reject option. Submitted.
Unpublished manuscripts
- A.Faivre, C.Dombry, Total variation regularized non-negative
matrix factorization for smooth hyperspectral unmixing. arXiv:1706.0924
- C.Dombry, S.Engelke, M.Oesting, Asymptotic properties of
likelihood estimators for multivariate extreme value distributions.